C# 03 Study Notes Methods and Scope
3. Methods and Scope
3.1. Create Method
at the end of method
The return
keyword is at the end of the method which return the return type of a method.
//int function
int addValues(int lhs, int rhs)
return lhs + rhs;
//void function
void sayHello()
Console.WriteLine("Hello world!");
⭐️ It is recommended that return nothing at the end of a void
📌expression-bodied method
Such design of programming language is called syntactic sugar which simplify the code and improve readability.
int addValues(int lhs, int rhs) => lhs + rhs;
void sayHello() => Console.WriteLine("Hello world!");
📌return multiple values
This is only supported by VS 2017 and above which you have to install System.ValueTuple
xprivate (int, int) divide(int lhs, int rhs)
int division = lhs / rhs;
int remainder = lhs % rhs;
return (division, remainder);
3.2. Scope
📌What is the lifetime of a variable?⭐️⭐️⭐️
The born of a variable starts from where it is declared and it ends after the method is finished.
📌What is a scope?
The scope of a variable is simply the region of the program in which that variable is usable. (inside the bracket{}
📌local variable
The variable inside the bracket{}
of a method is local variable.
void myMethod()
string myName = "";
void yourMethod()
myName += "Angela"; //ERROR!! myName is a local variable
void myHello()
string myName = "Daniel";
Console.WriteLine($"{myName} said hello.");
void yourHello()
string myName = "Theresa";
Console.WriteLine($"{myName} said hello.");
📌field(global variable)
In C#, they name the global variable as field. ("字段" in Chinese)
class Example
int count; //global variable
void setZero() => count = 0;
void addValue(int num) => count += num;
📌overloaded method
In short, a method with:
- same return type and same name
- different input parameters
A nice example we can take a look at RhinoCommon
//Create twin curves
public static Curve[] CreateTweenCurves(Curve curve0, Curve curve1, int numCurves)
public static Curve[] CreateTweenCurves(Curve curve0, Curve curve1, int numCurves, double tolerance)
The return type is an array of curve: Curve[]
But the parameters can't be different.
📌Refactoring code⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is holly important and useful!! Suppose you have an average method which does:
- 1️⃣sum up all the numbers
- 2️⃣take the average
double average(double[] numbers)
double sum;
int amount;
double average;
sum = numbers.Sum();
amount = numbers.Length;
average = sum / amount;
return average;
Select the code you want to extract as a smaller method / helper method.
You can extract them into:
double average(double[] numbers)
double sum;
int amount;
double average;
sum = OperationSum(numbers);
amount = numbers.Length;
average = OperationDivide(sum, amount);
return average;
private static double OperationDivide(double sum, int amount)
return sum / amount;
private static double OperationSum(double[] numbers)
return numbers.Sum();
3.3. Nested Method
📌Why should we use Nested Method?
Big Picture⭐️: For those help methods which are called only by one main method, must be encapsulated.
Suppose a function is:
long calculateFactorial(string input)
The input is string
and it must be parsed into numbers for operation. Apparently, it also demand a real factorial method for number operation. Hence the design should be:
long calculateFactorial(string input)
//1. Parse to number
//2. Declare a factorial method
//3. Run the factorial method and return value
The result:
long calculateFactorial(string input)
int number = int.Parse(input);
long factorial(int num)
if (num == 1)
return 1;
return num * factorial(num - 1);
long result = factorial(number);
return result;
3.4 Optional and Named Parameters
📌What is Optional Parameter?
In short, the parameter defined inside the bracket()
has default value.
void ransac(double[] input, int seed=1, string mode="default");
The later 2 parameters are optional.
⚠️🚨 Optional parameters must be declared after mandatory parameters.
void ransac(numbers);
void ransac(numbers, 2);
void ransac(numbers, "super");
📌What is Named Parameter?
In short, it explicitly assigns the variables.
void ransac(numbers, mode:"super", seed:2);
void ransac(seed:2, mode:"super", input:numbers);
If the arguments are explicitly assigned, they can be in arbitrary position.
📌Dangerous and Bad Habit🚨
The following one can be tricky!
void Method(int first, double second=0.0, string third="Hello");
void Method(int first, double second=1.0, string third="Goodbye", int fourth=100);
when you type:
Method(1, 2.5);
The compiler does not know whether to use which method since the beginning of them are the same! I personally don't like the overloaded function with similar parameters and default value.