C# 04 Study Notes Decision Statement


4.Decision Statement

4.1. Declare bool Variable

📌Romantic interpretation of Boolean

In the world of C# programming (unlike in the real world), everything is black or white, right or wrong, true or false.


📌true, false


4.2. Use bool Variable

📌equality operator

They are ==, !=.

OperatorMeaningExampleOutput(if age=42)
==Equal toage == 100false
!=Not Equal toage != 0true


📌relational operator

<Less thanage < 21false
<=Less than or equal toage <= 18false
>Greater thanage > 16true
>=Greater than or equal toage >= 33true


📌conditional logic operator

&& , logic AND

||, logic OR.


📌Bad habit using logic operator🚨


This is hell wrong! When playing with logical operator, the variable can only appear once at a time.

😶 Not good but OK:

😄 Clear:



This is very useful for boosting the performance of the codes🚀:

Write the easier and computation-less condition on the LEFT side of the operator.

Apparently, putting the easier codes on the left is more efficient as they will jump out of the condition soon.


📌operator precedence and associativity⭐️

The operators higher up in the table take precedence over operators lower down:



4.3. if-else Statement

📌sample of if


📌good and bad examples


Since num is not boolean, it can't be placed into the ().


😶OK, but not recommend:


4.4. switch Statement

📌When should we use switch?

Use it when you have multiple and parallel conditions.


📌Rules Using switch

  • case must be unique.
  • every case should be ended with break


📌What is fall-through?

In short, it combines conditions with same behaviors.



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